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Political persecutions
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Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 26.03.1984
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Accused in the case of "riots" in Brest.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom .

Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 30.06.1983
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Accused in the case of "riots" in Brest.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom .

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 242 days
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 26.05.1997
Family members: Elena Vasilevna Lyskovich
Was in: IUOT-10IUOT-10, 210603, Vitebsk, ul. Bazovaya, 17/1
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Forced emigration
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Accused in the case of "riots" in Brest. On March 27, 2022, information appeared that Victoria had successfully left the country.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom . On July 26, 2021, she began serving her sentence.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 548 days
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 28.04.1973
Was in: IUOT-25IUOT-25, 231707, Grodno, ul. Lenina, 12A
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Accused in the case of "riots" in Brest.

On January 25, 2023, she was released after the expiration of her sentence.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom . On July 26, 2021, she began serving her sentence.

Rodion Nikolaevich Kondratyuk
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Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 730 days
Date of birth 02.07.2002
Was in: IUOT-48IUOT-48, Osipovichi, ul. Sumchenko, 38, 213763
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  • Students
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Student at the Brest State Professional Lyceum of Builders. Accused in the case of "unrest" in Brest.

According to human rights activists, he was released on July 26, 2023, having fully served the sentence imposed by the court.

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty . On July 26, 2021, he began serving his sentence.

Potential persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
folder Categories of cases: The case of round dances, Brest, 2020
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 25.03.2002
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Forced emigration
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Accused of participating in protests in Brest (round dance case)

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of freedom.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 730 days
folder Categories of cases: The case of round dances, Brest, 2020
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 18.05.1986
Was in: IUOT-49IUOT-49, Shklov, Volodiozhnaya 2b, 213002
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Convicted on "dance case" in Brest.

According to human rights activists, in the summer of 2023, he was released after the expiration of his sentence.

Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 14.06.1972
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Accused in the "case of round dances" in Brest.

Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
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Accused in the case of "riots" in Brest.

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty .

Potential persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 05.10.1999
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Forced emigration
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Accused in the case of "riots" in Brest.

08.06.2021 Error in information, article 342 part 1 (not riots)

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty .

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 525 days
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 22.10.1984
Was in: IK-5IK-5, 225293, Brestskaya oblast, Ivatsevichy, ul. Dzerzhynskogo, 1
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Accused in the case of "riots" in Brest. On July 21, 2022, a trial was held to tighten the regime. Sergei was transferred to a colony until the end of his term.

According to human rights activists, he was released in the winter of 2023.

Trial outcome 21.07.2022:

2 years of restriction of liberty . The term after the trial on 21/07/22 is 6 months and 2 days in prison.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 620 days
Hometown: Myadel
Date of birth 27.12.1985
Was in: IK-17IK №17, 213004, Shklov, ul. 1-ya Zavodskaya, 8
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Trucker, activist. Detained in the case of "seizure of power" with Feduta, Kostusev and Zenkovich as part of a criminal case on an order for the purpose of seizing state power (Article 357 of the Criminal Code). In early June 2022, the KGB completed a preliminary investigation into the criminal case. Then it became known that Denis Kravchuk was finally charged under another article of the Criminal Code - 342.

On January 6, 2023, he was released after the expiration of his sentence.

Trial outcome 05.09.2022:

2.5 years in prison

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Date of birth 18.01.1996
Was in: IUOT-21IUOT-21, 247783, Gomel region, Mozyr, b-r Yunosti, 24
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According to the accusation, he took part in the actions and struck two blows at the outer chamber in Akrestsin Street.

Trial outcome:

3 years of restriction of freedom . 09/15/2021 pardoned.

Ala Haratskevich
  • Associations
  • Retirees
Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
folder Categories of cases: Grodno protests 2020
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 24.03.1963
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Detained with her daughter for the events in Grodno in September 2020.

Trial outcome:

2.5 years of restriction of freedom without being sent to an open-type correctional institution ("home chemistry")

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 6
In custody: 951 day
folder Categories of cases: Grodno protests 2020
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 14.08.1988
Family members: Ala Haratskevich
Was in: IUOT-1IUOT-1, ul. Belorusskaya, 84a, Brest, 224025
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Detained for the events in Grodno in September 2020.

Released in the winter of 2024 upon expiration of her sentence.

24.11.2021 11/07/2021 began to serve her sentence in the IUOT No. 1 in Brest
27.10.2021 On October 21, 2021, the appeal was considered. The court upheld the verdict - 3 years of chemo. The verdict came into force, Goratskevich is waiting for a referral to the IUOT
09.06.2021 06/05/2021 return of the letter for refusal. Reason (handwritten on envelope) “Refund. Check your name."

Trial outcome:

3 years of restriction of liberty with referral to an open correctional facility

Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
Minsk and Minsk region
Brest and Brest region
Vitebsk and Vitebsk region
Gomel and Gomel region
Grodno and Grodno region
Mogilev and Mogilev region
In Russia
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Health problems
No data available
In the HRC "Viasna" list
Prison regime
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