
political prisoners in Belarus (among them: 165 women and 2 minors in detention or their freedom is restricted; 24 people have been sent for compulsory treatment), 1884 people partially or completely served their terms, in the case of 7568 people we recorded a criminal prosecution as of 25.03.2025.

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*We are supported by 54 organizations/initiatives


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I can help remotely for schoolchildren and future applicants with chemistry and biology lessons (for affected families)
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I will help in learning the school chemistry program. Online
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I will give away women's clothing (size 44-46): light jacket, jacket, jeans, T-shirts, blouses, shorts, skirt, pajamas, scarf. Krakow
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I can help
If you need to spend the night in Gomel, I can help.
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I can help
I can help remotely for schoolchildren and future applicants with chemistry and biology lessons (for affected families)
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I can help
I will help in learning the school chemistry program. Online
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I can help
I will give away women's clothing (size 44-46): light jacket, jacket, jeans, T-shirts, blouses, shorts, skirt, pajamas, scarf. Krakow
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I can help
If you need to spend the night in Gomel, I can help.
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