What is your donation for?

Dissidentby is a non-profit grassroots initiative to support political prisoners in Belarus. Support takes the form of direct assistance in collecting parcels to places of detention, transfers to a prisoner's personal account in a prison, informational support, and working with civil society in the sphere of solidarity. Dissidentby also collects all relevant information about political prisoners, which it accumulates on its website, and monitors court schedules. In addition, the dissidentby team analyzes the legal situation in Belrus and monitors the latest changes in legislation that may be related to repressive practices.

All donations go to help political prisoners.

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Organization account
Fundacja Wspierania Więźniów Politycznych "Dissidentby", KRS 0001003710
PL46 1020 4027 0000 1402 1816 5760 (EUR)
PL19 1020 4027 0000 1802 1816 5759 (USD)
PL26 1020 4027 0000 1402 1816 1561 (PLN)
or imdissidentby@gmail.com
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