According to pro-government telegram channels, Oleg and three other guys "beginning in 2020 administered four tik-tok accounts and two telegram channels. These resources published information aimed at organizing and preparing mass riots, resisting law enforcement officers in order to encroach on independence, territorial integrity, the foundations of the constitutional order of the Republic of Belarus... The guys united in a telegram group, which was recognized as an extremist formation in early November." They allegedly "should have found executors to destroy infrastructure and organize attacks on law enforcement officers."
It is known that the guy successfully participated in regional competitions of intellectual games among schoolchildren.
The verdict came into force.
3.5 year in prison
According to pro-government telegram channels, Kirill and three other guys "beginning in 2020 administered four tik-tok accounts and two telegram channels. These resources published information aimed at organizing and preparing mass riots, resisting law enforcement officers in order to encroach on independence, territorial integrity, the foundations of the constitutional order of the Republic of Belarus... The guys united in a telegram group, which was recognized as an extremist formation in early November." They allegedly "should have found executors to destroy infrastructure and organize attacks on law enforcement officers."
3.5 years in prison.
According to pro-government telegram channels, Vladislav and three other guys "beginning in 2020 administered four tik-tok accounts and two telegram channels. These resources published information aimed at organizing and preparing mass riots, resisting law enforcement officers in order to encroach on independence, territorial integrity, the foundations of the constitutional order of the Republic of Belarus... The guys united in a telegram group, which was recognized as an extremist formation in early November." They allegedly "should have found executors to destroy infrastructure and organize attacks on law enforcement officers."
3.5 years in prison
According to pro-government telegram channels, Alexander and three other guys "beginning in 2020 administered four tik-tok accounts and two telegram channels. These resources published information aimed at organizing and preparing mass riots, resisting law enforcement officers in order to encroach on independence, territorial integrity, the foundations of the constitutional order of the Republic of Belarus... The guys united in a telegram group, which was recognized as an extremist formation in early November." They allegedly "should have found executors to destroy infrastructure and organize attacks on law enforcement officers."
Of the relatives, Alexander has only a sister.
3 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony.
According to the investigation , Nikita Struy, from May to November 2022, “in order to spread the ideology of Nazism, approve and deny crimes against the peace and security of mankind, war and other crimes, using a mobile phone he repeatedly posted images and comments in various Telegram channels aimed at the rehabilitation of Nazism.
In July and August 2022, in order to ensure the activities of the destructive Telegram channel and Telegram group, he, clearly knowing that their information products were recognized by the court as extremist materials, forwarded publications from these resources to other Telegram communities.”
Nikita Brui is the great-great-cousin of the people's writer of Belarus Yakub Kolas, and studied at a high school in the village of Nikolayevshchina.
In November 2022, state channels reported the detention of five participants in the closed chat “Union of the Belarusian National Shield” (UBNSH), recognized as an “extremist formation.”
The sentence was reduced on appeal from three to two years.
On September 15, 2023, the verdict came into force.
According to human rights activists , he will be released in the winter of 2024 after fully serving the sentence imposed by the court.
2 years imprisonment in a correctional colony
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