Stanislav Valentinovich Lugovoy
Stanislav Valentinovich Lugovoy
Potential persecutions
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Hometown: Brest
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In April 2024, security forces wrote about the detention of unnamed 2 men because they had removed the state flag from a kindergarten in Brest. Then the security forces clarified that one man was 25 years old, the second was 46 years old. And they threatened with criminal liability for “desecration” of state symbols.

At the same time, security forces posted a video of the incident. Those frames show that 2 men are walking from the gate along the path to the building. Then one man helped the other, and thus they removed the state flag from the façade along with the staff. Then they left the institution through the gate, waving the flag a little.

The media found a 46-year-old man from Brest named Konstantin Penchuk on social networks. And they found on social networks a Brest resident who was 25 years old in April (now 26 years old) with the name Stanislav Lugovoi. This gives reason to assume that men with such names are being tried specifically for removing the state flag from a kindergarten in April 2024.

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