Anatoly Vladimirovich Voitekhovsky
Potential persecutions
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Baranovichi
Date of birth 23.04.1967
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Anatoly is 55 years old. He studied at the Minsk Radio Engineering College, and then went to work at the regional communications center in Baranovichi. In 1996, he became one of the founders of the local newspaper Step. This is one of the first private newspapers in the city and once one of the most popular, its circulation reached 11 thousand copies. Now the newspaper has been reformatted into a purely advertising one. Anatoly became an entrepreneur. It deals in medical products and other health products. He is presented with the fact that he left comments in the telegram against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the violence of the security forces.

10.10.2023 в судебное заседание 23 мая 2023 года к 10 часам 30 минутам не явился обвиняемый Войтеховский А.В ПОСТАНОВИЛ: объявить розыск Войтеховского Анатолия Владимировича. Копию постановления направить прокурору Советского района города Минска для организации розыска обвиняемого. При установлении места нахождения обвиняемого Войтеховского Анатолия Владимировича, изменить ему меру пресечения с залога на заключение под стражу, водворив его в СИЗО№1 города Минска.

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