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Vadim Nikolaevich Vasiliev
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Political prisoners
Bank of letters 2
In custody: 845 days
Hometown: Vitebsk
Date of birth 31.12.1994
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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Detained for the administration of chats «Vitebsk -97%» and «Orsha -97%».

Lighting designer at the Belarusian theater «Lyalka».

Trial outcome 11.11.2022:

12 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of strict regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 881 day
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 31.07.1957
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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Former head of the Independent Trade Union of Radio-Electronic Industry Workers. In 2018, for active trade union activity, he was sentenced to 4 years of restriction of freedom without referral. On April 11, 2022, the State Security Committee recognized the independent trade union of radio-electronic industry workers as an extremist formation.

Trial outcome 05.01.2023:

9 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of strict regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 942 days
Hometown: Navapolatsk
Date of birth 23.10.1983
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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The owner of the jewelry workshop «Samorodok», was engaged in the manufacture of jewelry for participants of reenactment clubs, studied the history of the Middle Ages. He is married, the family has two children.

On May 20, 2022, he was convicted of slander and for insulting Lukashenko and representatives of the authorities.

Trial outcome:

4 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of general regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 1061 day
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 13.12.1991
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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He was accused of creating an extremist formation or participating in it, as well as participating in protest actions in 2020.

Trial outcome 21.10.2021:


After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 2
In custody: 925 days
Hometown: Vitebsk
Date of birth 27.03.1972
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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Trial outcome 16.09.2022:

15 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of strict regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 2
In custody: 958 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 24.09.1982
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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He was detained after the announcement of the court verdict.

Trial outcome:

3 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of general regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Alexey Nikolaevich Mandik
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Political prisoners
Bank of letters 4
In custody: 1043 days
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 12.04.1993
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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28 year old Alexey Mandik was detained in November 2021. He is an employee of the fifth city polyclinic, head of the prevention department, a general practitioner.

The reason for the detention by the staff of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption is participation in Telegram channels recognized as extremist in the Republic of Belarus, where he wrote destructive and offensive comments to the employees of the Department of Internal Affairs.

His letter of remorse was published on the website supporting the current state authorities.

Trial outcome 15.11.2022:

7 years of imprisonment in a penal colony.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Ruslan Aleksandrovich Sadovnichy
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Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 1083 days
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 25.10.1987
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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Ruslan was accused that, feeling hatred for the current government, he wrote many insulting messages to police officers and their loved ones.

It is known that the man has the 3rd group of visual disability.

Trial outcome:

3,5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of strict regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 2
In custody: 1097 days
folder Categories of cases: 2020 Pinsk protests
Hometown: Pinsk
Date of birth 17.11.1998
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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A person involved in a criminal case initiated after the events in Pinsk on the night of August 9-10, 2020.

Oleg is charged that he broke the stake (which was propping up the tree), broke this stick into 2 parts, one of which he threw towards the police officers with the aim of causing damage and deliberately threatening violence to the policemen. He also threw a handful of earth towards the police.

Trial outcome:

3,5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of strict regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 1138 days
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 02.02.1988
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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According to investigators, in August and September 2020, Valentin Panasik posted comments on the «Grodno 97%» telegram channel: «By the way, you can start by setting fire to the «Tabakerok», there are no cameras there, sort of».

He also left messages: «We'll fuck «Tabakerki» at night, it's time to remove them from the streets, at the same time we'll practice sabotage»; «Yes, and trample their hands so that they can no longer take a club in their hands»; «Bones will grow together, crooked hands will come off to work with a plow».

The man was also charged that on August 12, 2020, he arrived at Cosmonauts Avenue in Grodno, filmed a protest on video and uploaded it to the Internet with his comments.

Trial outcome:

6 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of strict regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Gennady Borisovich Sevruk
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Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 1139 days
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 02.11.1968
Number of children: 2 children
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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Convicted under Article 364, Article 369, Article 368, Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. It is known that the man worked in a taxi, and was also a driver at various enterprises.

He was previously convicted of participating in protest actions under an administrative article.

Trial outcome:

4 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of general regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 3
In custody: 1042 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 13.06.2001
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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He was detained as part of a criminal case on November 9, 2021 for participating in protests. First, he was placed in the pre-trial detention center of the State Security Committee, then transferred to the pre-trial detention center-1.

He was also accused of receiving telescopic batons, stun guns and other means from abroad.

Trial outcome:

5 years of imprisonment.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 2
In custody: 1061 day
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 06.12.1975
Number of children: 2 children
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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A resident of Minsk, works as an auto parts sales manager, detained on 10/21/2021. Andrew has two children. Convicted for messages in chat rooms "Lebyazhy 97" and "Central 97".

Trial outcome:

4 years in prison under enhanced regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 2
In custody: 1049 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 05.09.2000
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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In the period from July 2020 to November 2020, in the telegram chats "Nikolai Maslovsky", "Army with the people", "Real Belarus", "Khabarovsk. For Furgala" and in others, he left messages of an inciting nature, such as: "Block the streets ..", "Blocking the roads with the help of cars and our bodies...", "Tonight we should get it in full", wrote about the workers' strikes.

On February 2, 2024, Vadim will have to be tried under Article 411, Part 1 - Malicious disobedience to the requirements of the administration of a correctional institution executing a sentence of imprisonment.

Trial outcome 02.11.2021:

3 years in prison .

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 1083 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 21.09.1969
Address for letters: IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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was detained on September 29, 2021 in Grodno in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

Trial outcome 12.09.2022:

4 years of imprisonment in a penal colony.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
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Vitebsk and Vitebsk region
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