Larisa Fyodorovna Shchiryakova
- Associations
- Journalists
- Parents of minors
In 2021, she publicly announced that she was retiring from journalism. She explained her departure by the fact that she already had enough harassment for work without accreditation.
According to police reports, the courts punished the journalist with administrative fines more than forty times, including for covering post-election protests. Only days of detention were not appointed, because Shchiryakova alone raised a juvenile son.
In 2022, in September, after the arrest of a former colleague in the journalistic workshop, Yevgeny Merkisa Shchiryakova, in her posts on social networks, raised issues of keeping a journalist in a pre-trial detention center, posted messages on her pages in social networks about solidarity actions with Yevgeny, which were organized abroad.
After Larisa's detention, her son was taken to an orphanage right from school.
According to the materials of the case, Larisa Shchiryakova allegedly placed information on the Internet that discredited the Republic of Belarus. She is also accused of “collecting, creating, processing, storing and transmitting information for Vesna” and “Belsat”.
3.5 years in prison in a penal colony.
How to write a letter
✏️ A postcard with words of encouragement (a poem by your favorite author, song lyrics, or a beautiful quote). Trust us, even such simple gestures are very meaningful to a person in jail.
✏️ Your life events. To a person who is in isolation for a long time, any story about your routine endeavors will be a window into normal life. Your day-to-day worries and mundane matters are much more interesting than the daily grind of life behind bars.
✏️ It is important to share news. Mention the most notable and interesting occurrences depending on your pen-pal's interests.
✍️️ Remember that every letter is censored. This means that your letters are read by strangers whose main goal is to limit inmates' access to information or to use it against the prisoners or even you.
So try to avoid:
👉️️ harsh statements regarding ongoing political matters
👉 statements against the authorities and public servants
👉 foul language
👉 discussion of the circumstances of the criminal case