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Political prisoners
folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Hometown: Minsk
Address for letters: SIZO-1 Novodvorsky s/s, 143/4, Pashkovichi village, Minsk district, Minsk region 223016
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Political prisoners
folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Address for letters: SIZO-7, Brest, Sovetskih Pogranichnikov 37, 224030
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Political prisoners
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In custody: 93 days
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Address for letters: SIZO-1 Novodvorsky s/s, 143/4, Pashkovichi village, Minsk district, Minsk region 223016
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An architect who was detained on February 14, 2024 during mass arrests and searches of architects. Later it became known that he was accused under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Political prisoners
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In custody: 93 days
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Address for letters: SIZO-1 Novodvorsky s/s, 143/4, Pashkovichi village, Minsk district, Minsk region 223016
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An architect who was detained on February 14, 2024 during mass arrests and searches of architects. Later it became known that he was accused under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Political prisoners
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folder Categories of cases: Anti-war campaigns
Hometown: Brest
Address for letters: SIZO-7, Brest, Sovetskih Pogranichnikov 37, 224030
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According to the case materials , on February 27, 2022, the man filmed flights of military aircraft and sent the video to the so-called. "extremist formation". Where exactly the video was sent was not specified.

Trial outcome 11.03.2024:

2 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
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folder Categories of cases: Donate
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 20.04.1978
Address for letters: SIZO-1 Novodvorsky s/s, 143/4, Pashkovichi village, Minsk district, Minsk region 223016
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Trial outcome 14.03.2024:

unknown years of imprisonment under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
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In custody: 136 days
Hometown: Baranovichi
Address for letters: SIZO-6, Baranovichi, Brestskaya ul. 258 B, 225413
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17 people from Baranovichi were immediately convicted under the “people’s” article. They were found guilty of participating in a march in Baranavichy on the night of August 10-11, 2020. They were allegedly on the roadways, shouting loudly, shouting “slogans” and “displaying” national flags.

Trial outcome 01.04.2024:

2 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
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In custody: 136 days
Hometown: Baranovichi
Address for letters: SIZO-6, Baranovichi, Brestskaya ul. 258 B, 225413
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It is known that Vyacheslav was tried twice before. He will also be forcibly treated for chronic alcoholism.

17 people from Baranovichi were immediately convicted under the “people’s” article. They were found guilty of participating in a march in Baranavichy on the night of August 10-11, 2020. They were allegedly on the roadways, shouting loudly, shouting “slogans” and “displaying” national flags.

Trial outcome 01.04.2024:

2 years imprisonment in a maximum security colony

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 3
In custody: 136 days
Hometown: Baranovichi
Address for letters: SIZO-6, Baranovichi, Brestskaya ul. 258 B, 225413
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17 people from Baranovichi were immediately convicted under the “people’s” article. They were found guilty of participating in a march in Baranavichy on the night of August 10-11, 2020. They were allegedly on the roadways, shouting loudly, shouting “slogans” and “displaying” national flags.

Trial outcome 01.04.2024:

2 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
In custody: 136 days
Hometown: Baranovichi
Address for letters: SIZO-6, Baranovichi, Brestskaya ul. 258 B, 225413
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17 people from Baranovichi were immediately convicted under the “people’s” article. They were found guilty of participating in a march in Baranavichy on the night of August 10-11, 2020. They were allegedly on the roadways, shouting loudly, shouting “slogans” and “displaying” national flags.

Trial outcome 01.04.2024:

2 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
In custody: 106 days
Hometown: Baranovichi
Address for letters: SIZO-6, Baranovichi, Brestskaya ul. 258 B, 225413
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17 people from Baranovichi were immediately convicted under the “people’s” article. They were found guilty of participating in a march in Baranavichy on the night of August 10-11, 2020. They were allegedly on the roadways, shouting loudly, shouting “slogans” and “displaying” national flags.

Trial outcome 01.04.2024:

2 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
In custody: 136 days
Hometown: Baranovichi
Address for letters: SIZO-6, Baranovichi, Brestskaya ul. 258 B, 225413
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17 people from Baranovichi were immediately convicted under the “people’s” article. They were found guilty of participating in a march in Baranavichy on the night of August 10-11, 2020. They were allegedly on the roadways, shouting loudly, shouting “slogans” and “displaying” national flags.

Trial outcome 01.04.2024:

2 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
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In custody: 668 days
folder Categories of cases: Return to Belarus
Hometown: Zhabinka
Date of birth 1995
Address for letters: Glavpochtamt, a/b 8, Minsk 220050
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It is known that on July 19, 2022, Roman arrived in Belarus and disappeared: nothing was known about his whereabouts, and the South-West search and rescue team announced a search for him. Later it became known that Galuza was alive and his whereabouts had been established - without any details. But an acquaintance of Roman wrote on social networks that he was in a KGB pre-trial detention center.

In Poland, Galuza graduated from university, received citizenship, and volunteered, including helping Belarusian refugees. Roman’s detention could have been planned in advance by the Belarusian security forces.

Now he faces up to 15 years in prison.

Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
In custody: 93 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 25.05.1993
Address for letters: SIZO-1 Novodvorsky s/s, 143/4, Pashkovichi village, Minsk district, Minsk region 223016
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Architect. She wasdetained during a massive raid by security forces on architects in Minsk.

Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Baranovichi
Date of birth 16.09.1973
Address for letters: Released pending appeal
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Penal labor facility
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The man was accused of liking and reposting a publication on Odnoklassniki with text about Lukashenko, in which he was accused of committing a serious and especially serious crime. The court saw this as slander against the politician.

Before the trial, Alexander was under recognizance not to leave. He fully admitted his guilt.

Alexander Zakharchik has a secondary education and works as a driver.

Trial outcome 05.03.2024:

3 years of restriction of freedom with transfer to an open correctional facility

Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
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