Vyacheslav Tadeushevich Chernetsky
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Skidel
Date of birth 22.02.1981
Address for letters: Released pending appeal
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Pro-government telegram channels reported that the man was detained at the end of July in Grodno, when he was returning from abroad to Belarus in the summer, and that he allegedly wrote about 1,000 comments in “extremist” channels and chats.

Vyacheslav is a resident of Minsk, married, and was fond of paintball. It is reported that the security forces were able to find Chernetsky because he signed his telegram account with his real name and surname.

According to the prosecution , Vyacheslav posted comments on the TG channel “Real Belarus”. As the examination established, “in the text of the comments there is a negative evaluative language unit that has a non-normative form of speech expression addressed to Lukashenko and the President of the Russian Federation.”

Trial outcome 30.10.2023:

2 years of restriction of freedom with referral to an open institution.

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