Tatiana Berezovets
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Tatiana Berezovets
Political prisoners
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In custody: 193 days
Hometown: Kobryn
Date of birth 23.01.1998
Number of children: 3 children
Address for letters: SIZO-7, Brest, Sovetskih Pogranichnikov 37, 224030
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The couple (Vyacheslav Berezovets and Tatyana Danilyuk) were placed in custody for taking part in protests in Kobrin on August 10, 2020, where the woman "made obscene gestures to the police," and her husband "pulled down his pants and showed his bare buttocks."

The Investigative Committee notes that the couple still has three young children at large.

On November 4, 2024, the Kobrin District Court held a trial of Tatyana and Vyacheslav "on the recovery of expenses incurred by the state for the maintenance of children in state care. " And on December 24, 2024, the Kobrin District Court held a trial of Tatyana "on determining the child's place of residence."

These hearings indicate that Tatyana and Vyacheslav Berezovtsy had their young children taken away while they were imprisoned for political persecution .

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