3 years since death: Dmitriy Dudoits
Sergei Alexandrovich Myts
Sergei Alexandrovich Myts
Political persecutions
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Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 02.01.1983
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Sergey Myts left his comment on the social network Vkontakte: "The person shot the bandit who broke into his apartment." Less than a day later, the man deleted the comment. On the same evening, after the removal, the security forces came to him, detained him, and placed the man in a pre-trial detention center. In the pre-trial detention center on the second day, Sergei had a hypertensive crisis, he was hospitalized.

During the investigation, the Brest resident was initially accused under two articles of the Criminal Code: Article 369 and Article 130. Then the charge under the second article was dropped - although when announcing the charge, the prosecutor used the phrase "for the purpose of inciting hatred" more than once. Sergei Myts himself denied such an interpretation, arguing that he had no malicious intent. But at the trial he fully admitted his guilt under Article 369 of the Criminal Code

Trial outcome 21.10.2022:

2.5 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

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