Siarhey Aleksandrovich Bazuk
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Siarhey Aleksandrovich Bazuk
Former political prisoners
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In custody: ~291 day
folder Categories of cases: Direct action, Mogilev Protests 2020
Hometown: Mogilev
Date of birth 25.12.1970
Was in: IUOT-43IUOT-43, 212003, Mogilev, ul. Cheliuskentsev, 76A
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Sergei was arrested and convicted for throwing screws with the aim of damaging law enforcement vehicles, which was his way of protesting against the results of the presidential elections and the violence used by security forces against people.

He was released in October 2021, having fully served his sentence as imposed by the court.

Trial outcome 21.01.2021
1 year restrictions of freedom with referral to an open-type correctional facility, 30 rubles of compensation.
Involved in repression
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