In custody 500 days: Dmitriy Vasilevich Danilchik
Pavel Vladimirovich Tsapelik
Pavel Vladimirovich Tsapelik
Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 3 days
Hometown: Pastavy
Date of birth 25.03.1993
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Convicted for drawing the inscriptions: "DO NOT BREAK, DO NOT BACK, DO NOT STRIKE", "RUN, RAT", "3%", circled two more inscriptions "PZ", "GO AWAY", an image resembling a mouse's face, an image of a red stripe, "EVERY DAY", "SUPPLY DID NOT GIVE UP", "THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER", "OUR FIGHT", "COCKS KO-KO-KO, KO-KO-KO", "3%", an image resembling the face of a smiling person - "smiley ”, an image of a red stripe on two power line pylons and four images of black and white flags on the garages of the Substroy consumer cooperative.

Trial outcome:

290 base units.

The defendants in the case
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Remaining amount: 2630 $