Pavel Sergeevich Jejora
Pavel Sergeevich Jejora
Political persecutions
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
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The verdict notes that they took part in the actions “for the purpose of publicly expressing their socio-political views and protest through illegal means, and conducting destructive activities aimed, among other things, at aggravating tension in society.”

At the trial, all three admitted guilt.

From the case materials, it is known that they were identified from video recordings and photographs from the roadway at protest rallies. It is known that one of the brothers was immediately detained and placed in a temporary detention center on Akrestsin. After this, the security forces became interested in the second brother.

Trial outcome 17.05.2024:

3 years of restriction of freedom without direction

Involved in repression
The defendants in the case
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