Olga Victorovna Velichko
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folder Categories of cases: Special proceedings (trials in absentia)
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 20.12.1983
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The Investigative Committee began the process of special proceedings against the ex-director of the Grodno children's hospice Olga Velichko. “Special proceedings are proceedings in a criminal case against an accused who is outside the Republic of Belarus and is avoiding appearing before the body conducting the criminal proceedings.” That is, special proceedings are actually the first step towards trials in absentia of those who are abroad, recently legalized in Belarus. In July 2022, Alexander Lukashenko signed a law on amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, which allow Belarusians who are abroad to be tried in absentia and even sentenced to death.

Trial outcome 02.08.2024: 9 years of imprisonment in colony under general regime conditions (trial in absentia).

Appeal 29.10.2024: unknown.

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