In custody 500 days: Arthur Igorevich Golubev
Oleg Bogdanovich Krichkovsky
Oleg Bogdanovich Krichkovsky
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 435 days
Hometown: Polatsk
Date of birth 13.08.1991
Was in: IK-15IK №15, 212013, Mogilev, p/o Veyno, Slavgorodskoye shosse 183
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According to the materials of the prosecution, Oleg Krichkovsky, being at his place of residence, on the evening of December 31, 2020, under the image of Alexander Lukashenko in during the presentation of the highest insignia of the special police unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs — a black beret — he left an offensive comment, which, according to the expert opinion, is a non-normative form of speech expression and carries a negative assessment of Lukashenko.

Krichkovsky refused the services of a lawyer, and explained to the court that on New Year's Eve he drank a glass and under the influence of emotions left an offensive comment, which he later completely forgot. Therefore, I was surprised when in May 2022 he was called to the police department, where he was familiarized with the contents of the message. At the same time, he was detained.

In the summer of 2023, he was released upon expiration of his sentence.

27.11.2023 Освобожден по сроку

Trial outcome 30.09.2022:

1.5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of general regime.

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