In custody 500 days: Dmitriy Vasilevich Danilchik
Nikolai Vladimirovich Kostyukevich
Nikolai Vladimirovich Kostyukevich
Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 20.05.2004
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Correctional work/fine
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Convicted of writing graffiti on the walls of a garage and other buildings that "made it impossible for the aesthetic
perception of these objects and necessitated work on painting over the inscriptions, thereby harming the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "In addition, Nikolai acted" as a group of persons
prior agreement" with Dubovik Nikita, which was an aggravating circumstance.

Trial outcome 23.12.2022:

Correctional labor, with deduction to the state income of 20% of earnings at the main place of work, but not less than one base unit, monthly for a period of 1 year 6 months.

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