Natalia Anatolyevna Manylo
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 152 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 10.07.1971
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Natalia Manyla will be tried as "a person who committed a socially dangerous act, as provided for by criminal law, in a state of unconsciousness or who fell ill with a mental disorder (illness) after committing the crime."

In 2020, propagandist Gladkaya wrote about Natalia during her arrest: "I saw her at the women's half-march, when the young ladies in Bely "strolled" along Independence Avenue near Victory Square. She told me that she was at the marches allegedly because of her son, who was completely accidentally injured, finding himself in the very center of the protest events."

Trial outcome 14.10.2024
compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital.
Involved in repression
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