Christina Alexandrovna Vecherkina
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  • Parents of minors
Christina Alexandrovna Vecherkina
Political persecutions
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Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 13.07.1988
Number of children: 3 children
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  • Associations
  • Parents of minors
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Kristina was the director of the Millefeuil beauty salon. Before the trial, she was under house arrest.

According to the materials of the prosecution , Vecherkina violated public order, went out onto the carriageway of the streets, including Pobediteley Avenue, publicly demonstrated the V sign as a protest symbol with her fingers, and disrupted public transport. In the case, there are several episodes of Kristina's participation in protest marches. The court also satisfied the civil claim of Minsktrans for the amount of 47,716 rubles. The car and computer equipment remained under arrest until the issue with the civil lawsuit was resolved.

Trial outcome 17.01.2023:

3 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Involved in repression
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