Gleb Olegovych Dudko
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Gleb Olegovych Dudko
Political prisoners
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Hometown: Gomel
Address for letters: SIZO-3, Gomel, ul. Knizhnaya 1A, 246144
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Gleb Dudko is known in the musical environment not only of Gomel, but also far beyond its borders. Combining his talents as a musician and programmer, he launched at least two music IT startups.

Gleb’s father Oleg Dudko is a famous opera singer in Gomel and a former soloist of the Philharmonic.

In 2018, Gleb, together with programmer Maxim Grinevich, launched the ConcertMaster project. The idea of the project is to create a program that could automatically accompany vocalists .

Gleb was detained in March 2024 in Dobrush and sentenced to arrest for “distributing extremist materials .” After this, the man was transferred to a pre-trial detention center.

From Gleb Dudko’s publications on social networks, it can be understood that in 2022 he condemned military aggression against Ukraine. What exactly served as the basis for the political persecution of the Gomel resident is unknown.

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