Galina Sergeevna Parkhimchik
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Galina Sergeevna Parkhimchik
Former political prisoners
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In custody: 7 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 14.07.1952
Was in: IVS OkrestinaIVS, Minsk, 36a Okrestina St., 220089
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Forced emigration
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She is an active lawyer at the Minsk City Bar Association, and has represented the interests of citizens in court in many politically motivated cases. In particular, she was a party to the defense of her son, political prisoner Parkhimichka Viktor Viktorovich (at the moment he has fully served his sentence and has left the Republic of Belarus). Galina has been an active member of the Belarusian Popular Front party since 1994. On April 1, 2017, she participated as an expert in the talk show “Each of Us” on the Belsat channel, which is recognized as an extremist formation in the Republic of Belarus.

On February 28, 2024, Galina was detained and her apartment was searched. She was charged with participating in protests because KGB officers managed to recover deleted photographs from a peaceful protest march on July 16, 2020. In addition, KGB officers accused her of providing financial assistance through Facebook to persons who suffered from repression by the security forces of the Republic of Belarus.

Galina was released on bail, after which she left the Republic of Belarus.

15.03.2024 Галина Сергеевна защищала таких политзаключенных как: Андрей Царёнок ,Татьяна Козак , Артём Боярский , Борушко Ольга, Зуев Евгений, Мазгар Елена.

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