Evgeny Yurievich Kogotko
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 364 days
Hometown: Babruysk
Date of birth 19.03.1993
Was in: IUOT-9IUOT-9, 210034, Vitebsk, ul. 3-ya Chepinskaya, 39
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On April 12, 2021, in the presence of his friend, Evgeny defiantly tore and burned the state flag of the Republic of Belarus. The process was filmed on video, which was posted online. Access to the file turned out to be free, so Internet users could watch and distribute the performance.

On November 22, 2022, he was released after the expiration of the sentence.

Trial outcome:

1 year of restriction of liberty in an open facility

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