Denis Valerievich Sokolov
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 563 days
folder Categories of cases: Machulishchi
Hometown: Minsk
Address for letters: Glavpochtamt, a/b 8, Minsk 220050
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was detained as part of a criminal case that the KGB opened on the fact of an “attempt to commit an act of terrorism” in Machulishchi.

The main defendant in the case and, as the official bodies and propagandists claimed, the perpetrator of the sabotage, Nikolai Shvets, was released in June in a prisoner exchange with Ukraine. But despite this, the case is still on trial and his accomplices in Belarus face long prison terms. Shvets himself is also being tried in absentia.

Thus, in the dock are Maksim Lopatin, Andrey Stepurko, Oleg Sychev and his wife Anastasia Pilko, Denis Sokolov. According to the ONT propaganda film, all of them were assistants in the case, but they did not know exactly who Shvets was and what exactly he needed help with. Thus, Maksim Lopatin gave Shvets a ride from Stolin to the Logoisk highway, Andrey Stepurko helped him find an apartment near Minsk, Oleg Sychev and Anastasia Pilko rented him that very apartment. And Denis Sokolov, who turned out to be a friend of Irina Abelskaya's son and an alleged informer, as Nasha Niva writes , allegedly helped deliver the drone and find a job for Nikolai Shvets.

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