Andrey Obraztsov
  • Associations
  • Parents of minors
Andrey Obraztsov
Request letters Bank of letters 2
In custody: 722 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 12.04.1976
Number of children: 3 children
Was in: IUOT-7IUOT-7, Pruzhany region, Kuplin, 225136
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  • Associations
  • Parents of minors
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He is a lawyer and has three minor children. He was first detained on the night of August 9-10, beaten and placed in the Zhodino temporary detention center for three days. Administratively sentenced. After another rally on October 25, 2020, he was again detained by GUBOPiK officers, after which he spent three days in the temporary detention center on Akrestsin. A criminal case was opened against him under Part 1 of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

According to the indictment , Andrei Obraztsov joined a group of citizens, disturbed the peace of citizens, publicly shouted slogans with “obscene language,” and made loud handclaps while moving along the roadway. He also waved his arms and a white-red-white flag. Andrey was sentenced to 2 years of restriction of freedom with a referral to the IWOT. Next, Minsktrans filed a claim: 62 thousand 96 rubles 66 kopecks. Andrey's accounts are frozen, his property is under arrest. The sentence begins on December 17, 2021.

12/09/2023 released after expiration of sentence.

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of freedom with a referral to the IUOT

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