Anatoly Vladimirovich Volodko
- Associations
- IT staff
Anatoly Volodko is 56 years old. He is a resident of Minsk. The man has a wife, an adult daughter and a son who will soon turn eighteen. Volodko worked as a programmer at Top Soft for over 20 years. It is engaged in the creation of the Galaxy product ecosystem, which is necessary for the digitalization of business. The company's central office is located in Russia, where Anatoly worked part of the time.
The exact date of the man's arrest is unknown, but it was probably January 15 or 16, 2024. After all, on January 17, he and his wife were convicted of "petty hooliganism" - he was sentenced to 15 days, while the sentence for his wife is unknown. According to the testimony of security officials, Anatoly Volodko "was in a public place and, out of hooligan motives, was shouting loudly, using obscene language, waving his arms and behaving aggressively." The man did not admit his guilt and said that he was detained in his own home in the middle of the day. He did not do any of the things that the witnesses said.
According to cellmate Anatoly Volodko, he refused to pay "donations" that KGB officers threatened to offer to those who made donations. In general, the man did not admit his guilt. Anatoly's cellmate claims that this served as the reason for further prosecution - administrative and criminal.
On August 27, 2024, Anatoly had his appeal heard and the verdict came into force.
How to write a letter
✏️ A postcard with words of encouragement (a poem by your favorite author, song lyrics, or a beautiful quote). Trust us, even such simple gestures are very meaningful to a person in jail.
✏️ Your life events. To a person who is in isolation for a long time, any story about your routine endeavors will be a window into normal life. Your day-to-day worries and mundane matters are much more interesting than the daily grind of life behind bars.
✏️ It is important to share news. Mention the most notable and interesting occurrences depending on your pen-pal's interests.
✍️️ Remember that every letter is censored. This means that your letters are read by strangers whose main goal is to limit inmates' access to information or to use it against the prisoners or even you.
So try to avoid:
👉️️ harsh statements regarding ongoing political matters
👉 statements against the authorities and public servants
👉 foul language
👉 discussion of the circumstances of the criminal case
Involved in repression