Anastasia Alexandrovna Kalina
Potential persecutions
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Krugloe
Date of birth 31.01.1999
Family members: Alexander Ivanovich Kalin
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She was detained along with her older brother on 03/02/2023 under an administrative article (19.11) for reposting "extremist materials". She was sentenced to 15 days, after which a criminal case was opened for participating in the protests of 2020 together with Goreva Alina , Alexei Tsyganov , Vladislav Lagutenko , and Anastasia's father. Anastasia and her brother managed to go abroad, later she was put on the wanted list, all the other guys were detained and convicted. Anastasia's father is still in custody under investigation.

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