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Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Address for letters: SIZO-1 Novodvorsky s/s, 143/4, Pashkovichi village, Minsk district, Minsk region 223016
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In custody: 141 day
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Family members: Ilya Vladimirovich Polonsky
Address for letters: SIZO-1 Novodvorsky s/s, 143/4, Pashkovichi village, Minsk district, Minsk region 223016
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She was detained along with her husband in February 2024 during mass arrests and searches of architects.

Irina Anatolievna Pogodaeva
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In custody: 59 days
folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 12.11.1969
Number of children: 1 child
Address for letters: SIZO-7, Brest, Sovetskih Pogranichnikov 37, 224030
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Irina Pogadaeva is 54 years old. She is from Brest. She worked at a local library as a bibliographer. Judging by social networks, she has two children.

It is unknown when she was detained , but probably at the end of January, when she was tried for “distributing extremist materials.” At the end of 2023, she was included in the “extremist formation.” This was recognized by the Facebook community “Letters of Solidarity Belarus 2020”, in which people exchanged letters from political prisoners and also discussed helping prisoners.

Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
Date of birth 31.12.1964
Address for letters: No information
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Citizen of Lithuania, but native of Belarus. She worked as the head of the marketing service of the Lithuanian sanatorium "Belarus".

Ramanauskiene could have been detained last year when she was returning to Lithuania from Belarus, where she was visiting her relatives. The woman's relatives declined to comment to the Lithuanian publication. The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry reported that she is being provided with consular assistance. The trial in the Minsk City Court began on June 3.

She was found guilty under Art. 358-1 of the Criminal Code (undercover activity). The process took place behind closed doors, but, according to state media, she was accused of the fact that the woman “repeatedly provided information about guests arriving on vacation, including high-ranking Belarusian officials.” It is reported that she was allegedly recruited by Lithuanian intelligence services more than 10 years ago.

Trial outcome 11.06.2024:

6 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 3
In custody: 68 days
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 01.02.2001
Address for letters: Turma №1, Grodno, Kirova 1, 230023
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According to the court schedule, Daria was convicted on April 29, 2024 under Part 2 of Art. 19.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus (Distribution, production, storage, transportation of information products containing calls for extremist activities or promoting such activities), apparently after this a criminal case was opened.

According to the case file , in April 2024, Dasha and Valeria wrapped paper around the handle of a mop, set it on fire and brought it to the national flag, which hung on the organization’s building on Socialistheskaya Street in Grodno.

In court, both girls admitted their guilt.

Trial outcome 19.06.2024:

1 year imprisonment in a correctional colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
In custody: 163 days
folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Hometown: Minsk
Address for letters: Turma №8, Zhodino, Sovetskaya ul. 22A, 222163
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Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 1
In custody: 163 days
folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Hometown: Stowbtsy
Date of birth 27.11.1964
Address for letters: Turma №8, Zhodino, Sovetskaya ul. 22A, 222163
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Political prisoners
In custody: 163 days
folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Hometown: Minsk
Address for letters: Turma №8, Zhodino, Sovetskaya ul. 22A, 222163
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Political prisoners
In custody: 163 days
folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Hometown: Minsk
Address for letters: Turma №8, Zhodino, Sovetskaya ul. 22A, 222163
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Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 1
In custody: 68 days
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 17.05.2001
Address for letters: Turma №1, Grodno, Kirova 1, 230023
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According to the case file , in April 2024, Dasha and Valeria wrapped paper around the handle of a mop, set it on fire and brought it to the national flag, which hung on the organization’s building on Socialistheskaya Street in Grodno.

In court, both girls admitted their guilt.

Trial outcome 19.06.2024:

1 year imprisonment in a correctional colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
In custody: 163 days
folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Hometown: Salihorsk
Date of birth 05.05.1966
Address for letters: Turma №8, Zhodino, Sovetskaya ul. 22A, 222163
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Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 1
In custody: 259 days
Hometown: Maladzyechna
Address for letters: SIZO-1 Novodvorsky s/s, 143/4, Pashkovichi village, Minsk district, Minsk region 223016
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Zhanna Dashkevich is 54 years old. She comes from the village of Svatki, Myadel district, Minsk region. Zhanna graduated from the Bobruisk Medical College in 1987, and at the age of 41 she entered the Belarusian State Pedagogical University to study as a psychologist. It is unknown when Zhanna Dashkevich was detained and why. But she stopped being online in October 2023, although she had previously been active on social networks.

The trial of the woman began on June 3, 2024 in the Minsk Regional Court. Zhanna is being tried under two articles - “recruitment, training or preparation for participation in war, as well as material support for such activities” and “creation of an extremist formation or participation in it.” She faces five to ten years in prison

Elena Petrovna Tymoshchuk
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Hometown: Brest
Address for letters: SIZO-7, Brest, Sovetskih Pogranichnikov 37, 224030
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She worked for the state newspaper "Brestsky Vestnik" (the founder is the city executive committee) and the television and radio company "Brest".

Also, Elena Timoshchuk previously collaborated as a freelancer with the regional publications “Evening Brest”, “Brest Courier”, “Brest Newspaper”, the online publication “Virtual Brest”, as well as the “Brest Green Portal”.

As local journalists note , Elena Tymoshchuk did not prepare publications on political topics during her collaboration with independent publications. Sometimes she did advertising articles and wrote on psychology topics, since she has a higher education in this specialty.

What became the reason for the criminal prosecution of the journalist is still unknown.

According to the verdict, in addition to imprisonment, Elena was awarded a fine of 46,000 rubles.

Trial outcome 03.06.2024:

5 years imprisonment in a colony

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
In custody: 163 days
folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 22.08.1974
Address for letters: Turma №1, Grodno, Kirova 1, 230023
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Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
In custody: 86 days
Hometown: Babruysk
Date of birth 28.02.1967
Address for letters: Turma №4, Mogilev, Krupskaya 99A, 212011
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It is known that Lilia was also detained at the end of March 2023. Then she spent 10 days in Akrestsin.

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