Collection of information on administrative prosecutions

We are collecting data on administrative prosecutions for political reasons. If you have such information, please share it with us.

Found: 38305
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Mihailova Yuliya
Mihailova Yuliya
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Ленінскі
Judge: Клімчук М.А.
Braychuk Arkady
Braychuk Arkady
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Слонім
Judge: Ярмолік Аляксандр Іванавіч
Dmitriy Emelyanchikov
Dmitriy Emelyanchikov
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Гомель, Навабелецкі
Judge: Unknown
Batrakou A.P.
Batrakou A.P.
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Фрунзенскі
Judge: Лукашэвіч Дзмітры
Andrei Bogdanchuk
Andrei Bogdanchuk
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Слонім
Judge: Ярмолік Аляксандр Іванавіч
Petrov Pavel
Petrov Pavel
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Фрунзенскі
Judge: Бугук Н.М.
Brovka Syarhei
Brovka Syarhei
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Фрунзенскі
Judge: Бугук Н.М.
Byl Natalya
Byl Natalya
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Першамайскі
Judge: Unknown
Kuratskaya Irena
Kuratskaya Irena
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Пірожнікава Тацьцяна
Tatsiana Syankevich
Tatsiana Syankevich
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Кацэр Сяргей
Larisa Sviridovich
Larisa Sviridovich
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Бандарэнка Сьвятлана
Dambrovska Tatsiana
Dambrovska Tatsiana
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Малашэнка Вольга Пятроўна
Lyadak Tatsiana
Lyadak Tatsiana
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Целіца Лідзія
Alyaksei Valerievich Subotovich
Alyaksei Valerievich Subotovich
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск
Judge: Філатава Д.Г.
Fomenka Ruslan
Fomenka Ruslan
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Date: 2021-02-01
Place: Менск, Заводзкі
Judge: Някрасава Алена
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