Collection of information on administrative prosecutions

We are collecting data on administrative prosecutions for political reasons. If you have such information, please share it with us.

Found: 38386
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Date: Unknown
Place: Менск
Judge: Unknown
Lyavchuk Ales
Lyavchuk Ales
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Date: Unknown
Place: Берасьце
Judge: Unknown
Andrey Leonov
Andrey Leonov
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Date: Unknown
Place: Менск
Judge: Unknown
Lepesh Dmitriy
Lepesh Dmitriy
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Date: Unknown
Place: Жодзіна
Judge: Unknown
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Date: Unknown
Place: Жодзіна
Judge: Unknown
Likhadiyevskaya Oksana
Likhadiyevskaya Oksana
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Date: Unknown
Place: Гомель
Judge: Unknown
George Likhtarovich
George Likhtarovich
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Date: Unknown
Place: Менск
Judge: Unknown
Andrey Labanok
Andrey Labanok
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Date: Unknown
Place: Менск
Judge: Unknown
Lazko Olga
Lazko Olga
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Date: Unknown
Place: Берасьце
Judge: Unknown
Lazko Timur
Lazko Timur
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Date: Unknown
Place: Берасьце
Judge: Unknown
Lun Eugene
Lun Eugene
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Date: Unknown
Place: Менск
Judge: Unknown
Andriy Lubecki
Andriy Lubecki
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Date: Unknown
Place: Жодзіна
Judge: Unknown
Lyudkevich Siarhei
Lyudkevich Siarhei
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Date: Unknown
Place: Гародня
Judge: Unknown
Lyakh Andrey
Lyakh Andrey
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Date: Unknown
Place: Жодзіна
Judge: Unknown
Malashka Pavel
Malashka Pavel
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Date: Unknown
Place: Менск
Judge: Unknown
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