Sergey Vladimirovich Sobolevsky
Potencjalne prześladowania
Prośby o listy Bank listów 0
Miasto rodzinne: Mołodeczno
Urodziny 05.09.1969
Był w: IK-3IK nr 3, 211300, wieś Witba, obwód witebski, rejon witebski
< 10
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Director of the Sakavitsa enterprise - the former Molodechno factory of art products. Sergei Sobolevsky was charged with Parts 1 and 3 of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code (“Takeover of property using official powers”), which, according to him, the investigators invented on their knees, is already in court. There was no evidence. Sergei Sobolevsky said in an interview that already when he was behind bars, KGB officers came to him three times with an offer to testify against Sergei Tikhanovsky (they also came to the Vitebsk colony) - and immediately go home. The convict categorically refused.

Decyzja sądu:

2 years imprisonment

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